APO 7.6 - Guilds

Guilds' name Rycerze Mroku
Leader Skillet
Members 30
Invited 8


Nickname Rank Description
Skillet Shadow Dead Inside
Spange Boob Dark Spange Never Be Alone
Geth Right Geth the shadow Sprzymiezeniec
Jarek Swordmaster Dark Swordmaster Sprzymierzeniec
Smarshiwa Franklin aka Zolw Try fight this
Mopike Dark Elf None
Smily Poinsion Sky Next the time
Maximus One Number One Remember my name
Pantorex Partix The older
Bieszczadek Poores Lost way
Zumi Zejmix After Ded
Feniek Exploder Was unable
Pan Kartofelek Field None
Elvin Mail Rewound None
Kamil Knight Silny Partyzant None
Grandlex Grand Speed None
Archaniol Knight Angle of Sky None
Achilles Knight Rycerz Smierci None
Takenao Swirus None
Devos Pakistan Virgin None
Parlamentarny Pallek Rycerz Anarchii None
Adam of Armia Warrior None
Perla Polnocy Sandrunia None
Froost Ice Stalagmite None
Grongrin Grongrin None
Sebek Mapet Koktajl None
Poducha Spioch None
Neshi Sue Sakura None
Czeczenia Warrior Niepokonany None
Bryannco Brylantowy Smok None

Created by Grom